It's the Largest Leader's Contest Ever!

For 6A2-3 and above leader distributors in Enagic Global, this is your chance to really fire up your teams.

Enagic Global is offering a top reward of between $20,000 and $12,000 to the TOP EIGHT leaders distributors increasing their team members for each month in 2019!
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For example:

6A23 distributor: 300 Devices, 60 UkonDD and 30 E8PA Bronze cards sold within a month:

  1. Devices (300x1) + UkonDD (60x1/3) + E8PA Bronze Cards (30x1/2) =335
  2. 335x8 (6A23) =2680 points
  • Only one account with the best results will count for distributors 6A2-3 and above, who have more than one Enagic ID.
  • So all 6A2-3 and above distributors compete in the same monthly contest, all modified at the above calculation.
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*Any distributors with any outstanding compliance issues will be disqualified from the contest.